Texas is the king of oil and gas in the United States. It produces more oil and gas historically then any other State, and it has done so for a very long time. Over generations mineral rights have been divided among heirs of oil holding families in Texas. These owners now want to know what their rights are worth.
There are differences in value of Texas mineral rights depending on where they are located. Owning in the heart of the Midland Basin might be more valuable then owning mineral rights in Llanno, Texas. It's important to learn more about where your rights are located and how close they are to oil and gas development.
Oil and gas operators vary, each one is different. Some operate better then others and provide more value to the owners of the minerals. Know who operates your property and how they rank is beneficial to knowing the value of your minerals.
Finding a professional mineral management company is the best route to learning more about what you own and what it might be worth. A Certified Mineral Manager at Valor can help you better discover the value and what you own and provide revenue optimization for your mineral rights.